
There are a number of types of allergies. Seasonal allergies to airborne molds and pollens are generally mediated by IgE and tested for using skin prick tests. Food allergies can be mediated by IgE, but more often are mediated by IgG and are best tested for using blood tests.

Food sensitivities are sometimes called "allergies" but are not really allergies. Instead, food sensitivities generally represent some blockage in a metabolic pathway that prevents the normal metabolism of some component of the food. Lactose intolerance is a common example of a food sensitivity.

Strictly speaking, allergies are not autoimmune disorders, since the target of the immune system is not part of the body ("auto-"), but rather is some exogenous substance. However, many of the same techniques are applicable to both allergies and autoimmune disorders.

Please see conventional, complementary, and alternative medical treatments for important background information regarding the different types of medical treatments discussed on this page. Naturopathic, Complementary, and Alternative treatments that may be considered include:


Some authors have noted that allergies are more common in hypothyroid conditions, and respond well to treatment of the underlying condition [Starr2005, pg 108].

Differential Diagnosis

  • Basal body temperature below 97.8 degrees F, elevated TSH, or depressed T3 (suggests <&LOCAL_INLINE hypothyroid.html : hypothyroidism&).
  • Adrenal insufficiency.
  • Seasonal or other airborne allergens (can do skin testing, but an empirical trial of oral allergy desensitization is safe and cost-effective).


Naturopathic, Complementary, and Alternative Treatments

Treat Seasonal Allergies

For seasonal allergies:

  • Therapeutic trial of oral allergy desensitization. Dr. Weyrich recommends the Go to AllergyEasyAllergyEasy protocol.
  • Nasal lavage (neti-pot) may be effective for allergic rhinitis (runny nose).
  • Brittlebush flower tea (a plant common in the desert-southwest) may be helpful, as may teas made from other sources of seasonal allergens, such as orange blossoms.
  • Over-the-counter medications may be effective for allergic rhinitis, but may have side effects. First-generation anticholinergic antihistamines (e.g. Benadryl) and decongestants (e.g. pseudoephedrine) are more effective, but may have more side effects (drowsiness and dryness).
  • Herbal preparations may have actions and side effects that are similar to OTC medications.

Treat Food Allergies

For food allergies:

  • IgG blood food allergy testing followed by avoidance of problematic foods.
  • Elimination diets are a low-cost alternative to IgG blood testing, but take longer and are a hassle for the patient to implement.
  • Treat underlying leaky-gut syndrome.

Treat Adrenal Insufficiency

Treat underlying adrenal insufficiency.

Thyroid Optimization

Treat underlying hypothyroid condition.

Immune System Balancing

[McCulley2018, pp 35, 89] reports that allergies are a TH2-dominant autoimmune disorder, and proposes an approach to treating this disease, which should be supervised by a properly trained medical professional. Dr. Weyrich has considerable interest in this topic, but has not treated any cases of allergies with Immune System Balancing.

Please see What is Immune System Balancing? for more information.

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

[Dudley_conditions] reports that seasonal and environmental allergies is a condition that LDN could help, and links to a video of and interview with an LDN patient [LDN_Renske]. Dr. Weyrich has been trained to use Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). However, Dr. Weyrich has not treated any cases of any cases of seasonal or environmental allergies with LDN.

Please see What is Low Dose Naltrexone? for more information.

Neurotransmitter Balancing

Neuro Research [Hinz2015] reports that allergies can be benefited by balancing neurotransmitter levels in the body.

Dr. Weyrich has been trained in neurotransmitter balancing protocols, but has not treated allergies using this technique.

Please see What is Neurotransmitter Balancing? for more information.
