
Food allergies may be either immediate reaction (IgE) or delayed reaction (IgG).

Food intolerances are distinguished from true allergies, and may be due to inability to digest or absorb certain foods, such as lactose.

Please see conventional, complementary, and alternative medical treatments for important background information regarding the different types of medical treatments discussed on this page. Naturopathic, Complementary, and Alternative treatments that may be considered include:


Dysbiosis leading to leaky gut syndrome is commonly associated with food allergies.

Some authors have noted that allergies are more common in hypothyroid conditions, and respond well to treatment of the underlying hypothyroid condition [Starr2005, pg 108].

Differential Diagnosis

  • Basal body temperature below 97.8 degrees F, elevated TSH, or depressed T3 (suggests hypothyroidism).
  • Adrenal insufficiency.


Conventional Treatments

Naturopathic, Complementary, and Alternative Treatments

Food Allergy Testing

  • IgG blood food allergy testing followed by avoidance of problematic foods.
  • Elimination diets are a low-cost alternative to IgG blood testing, but take longer and are a hassle for the patient to implement.

Treat Leaky Gut

Treat underlying leaky-gut syndrome.

Immune System Balancing

[McCulley2018, pp 197-202] points out that food allergies are not autoimmune processes, but rather an imbalance in the immune system that can be treated using techniques similar to autoimmune disorders, and proposes an approach to treating this disease, which should be supervised by a properly trained medical professional.

Dr. Weyrich has considerable interest in this topic, but has not treated any cases of food allergies with Immune System Balancing. However, Dr. Weyrich highly recommends blood testing for IgG food allergies; he has seen many cases that have benefitted from this single intervention.

Please see What is Immune System Balancing? for more information.
