Mild adrenal deficiency can be safely treated with low-dose cortisol,
e.g. 4 to 30mg/day in divided doses [Starr2005, pg 185].
Supplementation with thyroid hormone can further reduce side effects of
cortisol supplementation [Starr2005, pg 185].
Dr. Starr suggests that patients being treated with corticosteroids should have a home
blood-pressure machine, and take BP before a dose of corticosteroids and 1.5 to 2 hours
after dose. If BP and heart rate normalize dose is correct; if these parameters get worse
then the dose is too high [Starr2005, pg 190].
Neuro Research [Hinz2015] reports that Adrenal Insufficiency or Fatigue
can be benefited by balancing neurotransmitter levels in the body.
Dr. Weyrich has been trained in neurotransmitter balancing protocols, but has not treated
Adrenal Insufficiency or Fatigue using this technique.
Please see What is Neurotransmitter Balancing?
for more information.