Test Overview of Lasègue Test

If the Lasègue Test, the patient is supine, and the physician passively elevates each of the patient's legs in turn, keeping the knee extended, and flexing at the hip to an angle of 90 degrees (or less if muscle tightness limits range of motion). The test is positive if pain is reported to be elicited either in the sciatic trajectory or diffusely over the hamstrings when either hip is flexed [Gear2009]

If this test is positive, then it is normally followed by the Braggard's Test.

Test Indications of Lasègue Test

References regarding Lasègue Test

Unless specifically noted above, references used in the construction of this web page include the following:

[FMU] Lecture notes from Functional Medicine University.

[SCNM] Lecture notes from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.

[UT] Lecture notes from the University of Tennessee graduate programs in Chemistry, Microbiology, and Biochemistry.