This is an important mineral that is essential for proper bone health, metabolism, heart, and muscle function in the body.

Magnesium interacts with calcium, so that taking too much magnesium can result in a functional calcium deficiency, and taking too much calcium can result in a functional magnesium deficiency.

Milk contains much more calcium than magnesium, so relying on dairy products for bone health is not a good strategy.

In order to optimize your magnesium (and calcium) balance in the body, consult with a health care provider, such as Dr. Weyrich, who is trained in biochemistry and nutrition.



Some examples of good sources of dietary calcium include the following:

  • Cheese, Gruyere (3 oz) = 860mg Calcium
  • Cheese, mozzarella (3 oz) = 621mg Calcium
  • Cheese, cheddar (3 oz) = 612mg Calcium
  • Cheese, American (3 oz) = 525mg Calcium
  • Yogurt (1 cup) = 345mg Calcium
  • Milk, skim & 2% (1 cup) = 300mg Calcium
  • Turnip greens, cooked (1 cup) = 492mg Calcium
  • Collard greens, cooked (1 cup) = 357mg Calcium