
Colitis refers to any inflammation of the colon (large intestine). Pseudomembranous colitis is associated with oral antibiotics, nosocomial infections Clostridium difficile (C. diff), or toxins in the stool.

Please see conventional, complimentary and alternative medical treatments for important background information regarding the different types of medical treatments discussed on this page. Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative treatments that may be considered include:


  • Gut dysbiosis.
  • Oral antibiotics.
  • Toxins in the stool.


Differential Diagnosis


Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative Treatments


Dysbiotic overgrowth of the gut with Clostridium difficile can give rise to a potentially fatal inflammation of the colon called pseudomembranous colitis. This dysbiosis is commonly associated with oral antibiotics, and is often nosocomial (contracted in a hospital setting).

Since Clostridium difficile is resistant to many common oral antibiotics, treatment with oral antibiotics tends to kill competing beneficial bacteria in the gut, allowing the Clostridium difficile to grow unchecked [Afghani1994  🕮 ], [Finegold1986  🕮 ].
