
This web page discusses liver cancer, which may have a different mechanism and treatment from other forms of cancer. Please see Cancer Overview for general information that is common to all forms of cancer.

Please see conventional, complimentary and alternative medical treatments for important background information regarding the different types of medical treatments discussed on this page. Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative treatments that may be considered include:


[Friedman2013] has presented a compelling model for the prevention and treatment of breast and prostate cancer. An important feature of this model is observation that synthetic (non-bio-identical) estrogens and progestins actually raise the risk of breast and prostate cancer. It appears [Go to cancer.govcancer.gov], that synthetic hormones in oral contraceptives increases the risk of some benign liver cancers, such as hepatocellular adenomas; it is less clear the extent that malignant liver tumors, such as hepatocellular carcinomas, are associated with oral contraceptive use [LaVecchia2006  🕮 ], [Farges2011  🕮 ].

The differences between different types of cancers require further study.


Naturopathic, Complimentary and Alternative Treatments

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)

According to the Low Dose Naltrexone home page [LDN], LDN has been seen to benefit liver cancer. [LDN_Cancer] reports that the late Dr. Bernard Bihari treated approximately 450 patients with some form of cancer, with a 60% success rate, almost all of who had failed to respond to standard treatments. In particular, 5 patients with pancreatic cancer metastatic to the liver appeared to be in remission.

Dr. Weyrich has been trained in the use of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). However, Dr. Weyrich has not treated any cases of liver cancer with LDN.

Please see What is Low Dose Naltrexone? for more information.


  • The opioid growth factor-opioid growth factor receptor axis regulates cell proliferation of human hepatocellular cancer [Avella2010  🕮 ]
